What is Traffic Surveys?
Traffic surveys is the process of extraction of data from the real time Traffic footage. It’s main aim is to handle the real time traffic situation. Traffic surveys are used for various purpose. It may require to count the number of vehicles passing through a specific location or vehicle information based on the survey type.
Earlier, Traffic surveys are done by standing on the roadside and counting every vehicles. But nowadays, things have changes and it is being done using Artificial Intelligence based software. AI based application provides quick result that can help for transportation planning.
Traffic surveys includes mainly two types of surveys namely:
1. Turning Movement Counts or Intersection Counts, and
2. Pedestrian and Bicycle counts
Traffic surveys are helpful for making the transportation palnning so that heavy traffic can be avoided. If you need more information about Traffic surveys, please browse our website pages. In case, if you have any queries, send a mail through our contact page.
Related Searches: What is Traffic Surveys, Why Traffic survey is important, Benefits of Traffic Surveys, How traffic surveys can help to avoid heavy traffic.